Crescit Eundo
In his epic poem De Rerum Natura (On the Nature of Things), first-century B.C. Latin poet Lucretius describes a thunderbolt with the words crescit eundo (it grows as it goes).
I cheer when my clients take action and transform in the process. They truly grow as they go. At the most basic level, I help people take their next step (or maybe their first!). Of course, it’s often not that simple. We all need to weigh different choices and their potential outcomes, challenge assumptions and other limiting beliefs, step into the unknown, and otherwise find clarity and courage to move forward. I support clients in clearing the path.
I have been a lifelong learner of sales and business development, and so this is my focus as a coach. I know firsthand growing and sustaining a business can be tough. Yet it has also been hugely transformative and personally rewarding, and my mission is to help others find their own version of this.
Visit my LinkedIn profile to learn more about me.